On the opposite side of the spectrum is the recent marketing of Hello Kitty. The company in charge of this brand seems to believe that if they slap the logo on a product it will sell. There have been entire displays of Hello Kitty items, targeted as much at adults as kids: fans, duct tape, gumball machines, hair straightening irons, Snuggies, eyeglasses and hooks to name just a few of the hundreds of things out there.
It used to be that if I saw something featuring Hello Kitty I would buy it for my sister. Now I am overwhelmed by the volume of merchandise featuring that logo. I think they have gone too far. There is a fine distinction between abundance and saturation, and Miss Kitty has her paws over the line.
Are you guilty of trying to exploit a good thing? If you have a successful program or product, do you focus on it (like Halo oranges) or go overboard with exposure (like Hello Kitty)? In many cases, less is more. Don't overexpose your clientele to such a point that they ignore you instead of being delighted by your presence.
-- beth triplett