When I buy something that needs to be assembled, I dread the task. Directions are always in hieroglyphics and the arrows are indecipherable.
And then there was the bookcase from Sauder. I should have had a hint when on the cover of the directions it said: "Great for all those books you'll never read."
Page 1, Assembly Tools Required:
> #2 Phillips Screwdriver with a "tip shown actual size"
> "Hammer, not actual size" And then it had a smiley face!
> A power drill with a "no" line drawn through it: "Skip the power trip. This time."
Humor in furniture directions?!
And it continued throughout the whole set of instructions.
>After listing out all the parts it said "Now you know your ABCs".
>When you needed to screw: "Remember: Righty tighty. Lefty loosey."
> "Don't worry. It isn't Rome. This can be built in a day."
> "Pro Tip: Lift with your legs. And, you know, your arms."
And at the end, it encouraged people to celebrate by sharing their success story via icons for Facebook, Twitter, Pintrest and You Tube. Genius!
Sauder showed people that not everything has to be taken seriously. Can you take a lesson from them and lighten up some of your forms or instructions? Those who have to complete them will appreciate the unexpected humanness injected into a traditionally dull forum.
-- beth triplett
Thanks Emily for sharing.