Wednesday, October 26, 2016

leadership dot #1608: equal access

Today brings one more lesson from the One Iowa workshop I referenced yesterday.

The facilitator, Keenan Crow, noted that addressing discrimination or oppression is not about making everything the same for everyone. Instead, the goal is to provide equal access for all. 

He used this illustration to demonstrate the difference:

Think about an eye doctor.  

If we treated everyone the same way, everyone would receive the same prescription and same glasses. While this would work for some, it would not work for most.

Instead, we should strive to provide equal access -- meaning making it possible for everyone to see an eye doctor. It is better to offer access to the service than to find one solution to address individual needs.

Think about what your organization is trying to do be inclusive and to avoid discrimination. If your emphasis is not on equal access, you run the risk of leaving out one group when you provide special rights to others.

-- beth triplett

Keenan Crow, One Iowa Outreach Coordinator at the Iowa School Public Relations Association Fall Conference, October 20, 2016, West Des Moines

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