Thursday, October 2, 2014

#853 astonishing

One final thought from wedding weekend...

Even though I know young newlyweds like cash as a gift, I still have a hard time just writing a check.  I feel like I should give something with the money, so for this couple I put together a basket with bread, salt and wine -- and the It's a Wonderful Life movie where the symbolism came from:

Bread...that you may never know hunger
Salt...that life may always have flavor
Wine..that joy and prosperity may reign forever.

The most interesting part of the gift opening: neither the bride (age 22) or groom (age 26) had ever seen the movie!

I wrote yesterday about taking things for granted and assuming that our cultural universe encompasses "everybody".  In reality, it doesn't.  Even though it is "one of the most critically acclaimed films ever made" and the "number one most inspirational American film of all time"* -- not to mention the fact it runs almost continuously on television every December -- apparently there are some who still don't know the magic of the bell.

It made me glad that I had taken the extra step to include it as a gift -- I hope I gave this couple a memorable experience instead of just some funds that will soon be forgotten.

The next time you have an opportunity to make an impression instead of just complete a task, I hope that you make the effort to do so.  Making memories is an art, and all of should strive to be artists.

-- beth triplett

*from Wikipedia "It's a Wonderful Life"

Also see Dot #496, October 10, 2013

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