Sunday, February 1, 2015

#975 break the ice

After the icebreakers I referenced in yesterday's blog, one of the parents came up to me and complimented me for the great job I did in facilitating them.

One of my colleagues pointed out the distinction that I would prefer to lead the icebreakers than do them.  She is absolutely right!

I am high on the Introvert scale, but my game face comes on and I am a smiling Extrovert in front of groups.  So facilitating icebreakers is easier than talking to strangers.

What niche talent can you provide that works for your organization as well as yourself?  If you are an introvert, can you be the one to take pictures (either because you are good at it or because it gets you out of the limelight)?  Maybe you are the one who always cuts cakes at weddings (to be of service as well as away from the prodding by Aunt Martha)?  Can you offer to do the graphics for programs or to sing or to solicit the donations for the auction -- doing work beforehand to free you up to be the life of the party at the party?

Everyone has talents that go beyond their job description.  The key is to brand yourself as the expert in areas that fit with your personality as well as the organization's needs.  Icebreakers anyone?

-- beth triplett

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