Tuesday, April 28, 2015

#1061 equality

Yesterday's blog about equality reminded me of a lesson from diversity speaker Bill Grace. He was describing the impact of no lines at the men's restroom during a break in his presentation, whereas there was a long line at the women's facility.

"Both restrooms had the exact same facilities; the line was because it takes women longer.  That was equal treatment under the law.  Some architects and builders are providing facilities for women that are a third larger than those for men -- that's equitable access," he said.

Think about how you address the needs and fair treatment of your customers and staff.  Are you providing equal treatment or equitable access?  Do you require everyone to follow the same rules, or do you make accommodations when flexibility is required?  Have you made adjustments that reflect the reality of the situation?

Think about the restroom story the next time you are making decisions.

-- beth triplett

Source:  Iowa Association of College Admission Counselors newsletter by Ann Johnson, April 2011

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