Monday, April 4, 2016

#1403 you choose

There was an article in the paper about Mason Wells, a 19-year-old from Utah who was wounded in the recent Brussels Airport attack. He knows what a bomb sounds like as he was only a block away from the explosion at the Boston Marathon in 2013. 

MY first reaction when I read that the same person was a victim of two terrorist attacks in different countries was "how unlucky can you be?"

HIS first reaction was the opposite. "I don't know if I was born under a lucky star," he told the Associated Press. "I was definitely fortunate to have escaped with the injuries that I've escaped with."

The dichotomy reminded me of a toy that I have had in my office for ages. If you look at the creature one way, it appears to be throwing its hands up in glee. Look at it from a different angle, and it seems that it is raising its arms in exasperation. 

As with Mason Wells, my trinket and much of life, how you choose to react is up to you. If a two-time terrorist survivor can feel lucky, perhaps he will inspire you to see the bright side of your world today.

-- beth triplett

Source: Boston bomb survivor hurt in Brussels airport blast by Danica Kirka for the Associated Press in the Telegraph Herald, March 27, 2016, p. 1A

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