Sunday, July 5, 2015

#1129 time lapse

On Saturday, I saw a puppy at the Farmers Market that appeared to have doubled in size since I saw him only a few weeks ago.  Come to find out, he actually did!  The chocolate lab has gone from 10# to 18# in barely a month; he gained 5# last week alone.

I think it is part of the allure of puppies -- not only that they are so dang cute, but that they are so rare.  People own dogs for close to a decade and you only get that little puppy stage for a month or two.  No wonder people fawn all over them -- it is a magical and elusive time.

This video captures the speed at which two retrievers grow up and you can see what I mean:

That level of newness is only present in your employees and clients for a fleeting moment as well.  They may come to you as grown ups, but they only have the wonder and perspective for about as long as dogs remain puppies.

Take steps to capitalize on what they see while you can.

-- beth triplett

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