Tuesday, August 25, 2015

#1180 something

Over the weekend, I watched the movie Draft Day again. I think I was in the mood to do so after the harried week of last minute registrations, financial aid negotiations, scavenger hunts for transcripts and the general frenzy of The-Week-Before-Classes-Begin.  It reminded me of the frenetic nature of the actual Draft Day where no one knows how things will end up until the day has ended.

In one scene, Cleveland GM Sonny Weaver (played by Kevin Costner) is talking to his scouts about a potential top pick. They claim to have vetted the player well and found no faults.  "Everyone has a 'something'," said Sonny.  "We need to find out what that 'something' is and determine if it matters."

The same is true anytime you are making a choice, whether it be hiring a candidate, selecting someone for a committee assignment, voting for a politician, admitting a student or choosing a quarterback in the NFL draft.  Everyone has 'something'.

Your role is to determine what is a deal breaker for you and hold to it.  Only you know where you can compromise and where you must hold firm.  

It also pays to be aware of your own personal 'something.'  What is a liability for you?  Can you overcome it, compensate for it or avoid needing it on a regular basis?

Even the great ones come with quirks and flaws.  What makes them great is that they are aware of their 'something' and turn it into an advantage.  You can do the same.

-- beth triplett

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