Sunday, January 3, 2016

#1311 wears well

I think of all the vestiges of old-fashioned clothing that still make their way into today's wardrobes.

At one of our everything/nothing lunches, we were talking about "stays" in men's shirt collars.  Why are these still necessary?  I am sure there is technology to allow the collars to 'stay without stays', but some men still feel better when using the little plastic pieces with regularity.  

Men are not the only ones with accessories that have carried forward. If you walk into a women's lingerie department, you will still find a rack of slips. Most quality garments are now made with sewn-in linings, yet slips continue to be sold. Is this because of tradition or do people still prefer a full-length slip as an extra layer of smoothness?

There are cuff-links, now purely for aesthetics vs. functionality; crinolines for special occasions instead of everyday poodle skirts, and you can still buy girdles for more restriction than Spandex.  Dress hats are available for both men and women.

I wonder what modern accouterments will last into the next decade.  Fortunately, big shoulder pads did not make it out of the 80s; will yoga pants and camouflage make it past this decade?

As you assemble your wardrobe, you have options that have proven themselves throughout the years. Wear what makes you feel like the best you today.

-- beth triplett

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