Tuesday, February 9, 2016

#1348 accountability

I have written before about CPR as a moniker for how to develop training design (first consider the content you want, then how you invoke participation before building in review).  
Here is another CPR for you to remember, but this one relates to accountability.  In the great book Crucial Accountability, the authors suggest that you use this acronym to help you address the right issue when confronting someone about unmet expectations.

When something happens for the first time, address the content of the infraction.  
"You came in late to work."  "You missed the deadline for the project."  "You didn't take out the trash as you promised."

If the same infraction occurs, address the pattern, not the content when you have the second conversation.
"You came in late again after you said you would be on time."  "You let me down with a missed deadline again." "Failing to do what you promised is impacting your credibility."

If the problem continues, instead of talking about the content or pattern, address instead how this behavior is impacting your relationship.
"Your behavior is causing me to lose trust in you."  "I can no longer count on you to keep your word."  "I am hurt that you continue to break your promises to me; it is impacting our working relationship."

The third time someone misses a deadline, you know it is bigger than the deadline. If you focus on CPR, you will avoid discussing content over and over again and allow your accountability conversations to address what is really going on. 

-- beth triplett

Crucial Accountability: Tools for resolving violated expectations, broken commitments and bad behavior.  By Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, David Maxfield, Ron McMillan and Al Switzler.  Second Edition.  2013.

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