Sunday, February 21, 2016

#1360 pragmatic

Right now, I am attending my twentieth (!!) national convention for the National Association for Campus Activities. Even though I am there as a guest board member and am no longer directly in the field, I am delighted to participate in the event because I know I will learn something.

I will walk away from this convention with a list of ideas that I can implement now. A new app that will help me. An idea for a training exercise or icebreaker. A new contact with a specific connection with whom I can follow up. A book that I will order from here and have waiting when I arrive home.

Theory definitely has its place and contributes much to overall understanding, but pragmatism has a role too. And NACA folks are pragmatists.

I think most people embrace pragmatism more than they realize. The "10-steps to ___" features in magazines. You Tube videos on "how-to" do things. Infograms and lists instead of articles.

Think of how you can share some knowledge today -- that can be used today. You don't want all your learning to be quick and easy, but sometimes it's nice when it is! 

-- beth triplett

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