Monday, July 24, 2017

leadership dot #1879: describe

A billboard advertising a realtor promoted their work by declaring that they would help the prospective homebuyer do three things: Investigate, Negotiate and Celebrate. I was impressed with how they boiled down the essence of realtor work into these three verbs...

...and, of course, it got me thinking about what words I would use to describe other professions, and my own work.

For me: Evaluate, Educate and Empower might describe how I help assess organizational or leadership issues, provide the tools and then empower others to become great supervisors and to create a healthy climate. My contractor friend meets with prospective clients and helps them to Dream, Decide and then Design before beginning work. Retail workers may Stock, Smile and Sell. Teachers may dispense Inspiration, Education and Application of their lessons. Managers spend their time Supervising, Improvising and Mobilizing. A human trafficking prevention organization promotes their work as Educate, Advocate and Eliminate.

As you try to succinctly describe what you do, it helps you to really think about the core elements of your job. Next you can spend your time enhancing these essential components instead of just listing them with alliteration and rhyme!

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