Thursday, September 14, 2017

leadership dot #1931: unplug

I recently read an article about Ian Rogers, the chief digital officer for LVMH – the company that owns Marc Jacobs, Givency, Bulgari and other luxury goods. Rogers is a young man, but has a robust resume in many digital roles including Apple Music and iTunes Radio.

What caught my eye were his comments about the value of being low tech, even in his high tech world. Rogers said: “I’ve gone back to analog. I buy real books. I write in real notebooks. I write the things I need to get done on Post-it Notes. I had an iPad Pro and I gave it away. I try not to take my cell phone into meetings.”

You would think that a chief digital officer for an international brand would be plugged in 24/7, but in Ian Rogers’ case you would be wrong. Instead, Rogers has defied preconceived notions about what he should use. He has crafted a mix of tools that help him do his best work – some decidedly old school and I’m sure some are state-of-the-art.

Take a page out of Rogers’ playbook and experiment with what works for you. You may be surprised to find that low tech has a high value for some applications.

How does this dot connect with you? Leave a comment and share your observations with others.

 Source: From iTunes to E-tail by Elizabeth Segran, Fast Company, September 2017, p. 14.

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