Tuesday, September 19, 2017

leadership dot #1936: find your why

Leadership guru Simon Sinek just published a new book: Find Your Why. It is the companion workbook to his fabulous Start With Why and is designed to help either individuals or teams discover the deep reason they do what they do.

One of the exercises has really caused me to ponder. Sinek urges you to think of specific moments where you can recall the details and emotions – good or bad – that made an impact on you. “What are the stories of specific experiences and people in your life that have really shaped who you are today?” he asks. (For teams, the groups are to “tell specific stories of when you have felt most proud to work for this organization.”)

As I was making my own personal list, I thought of the moments that made an impression on me – often comments that people made or small victories on a long path. I also recalled the moments that were decision points of things that I did not do. I wonder how my life would have been different if I had gone left instead of right in those situations.

Sinek’s method calls for you to share your stories with a trusted partner to fully uncover your “why.” Whether you pursue the entire discovery plan or simply use some of the questions for self-reflection, I believe both the individual and team exercises will cause you to think deeply about the stories that undergird your actions. Articulating your values through language is a powerful driver of intentionality in your behavior.

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