Friday, October 25, 2013

#511 genesis

Some of my staff and I did a presentation to our board of trustees yesterday to explain the "genesis and strategic opportunities" of our marketing efforts.  In preparation, we ended up taking a trip down memory lane to dig all the old publications and ads out of archives.  It was striking to see how much clarity we have developed over the past five years as we came face to face with the way our presentation and story have evolved.  

While it was a nostalgic exercise for those of us who have been on board for the duration, I think it was more valuable and informative for those on the team who are new.  After sitting through the presentation they have a greater appreciation about how the look evolved and an understanding of the rationale behind it.  I also hope that this project motivated everyone to keep evolving so that in five years we will warrant time on another board agenda.

Whether you are presenting to your trustees or just for your own perspective check, it may be a good use of time to do a retrospective of your organization.  How have you changed in the last X years?  Can you see a noticeable difference in your marketing, reporting, programming or some other aspect of your work?  It's one thing to mentally know that you're improving, but another thing to see the before and after side by side.  The contrast should be striking -- or a lack of change should startle you into action.  Either way, a physical review may be a valuable exercise for you and the people in your organization.

-- beth triplett

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