Monday, November 18, 2013

#535 merging traffic

I was talking to a friend who just learned that he was going to be a parent for the first time.  In addition to the euphoria over the news, there is a twinge of panic when he considers what lies ahead.  Specifically we were talking about how his life seems busy now, so it is hard to imagine how will he add in the additional responsibilities of fatherhood.

I may be way out of my league in dispensing advice in this area, but I believe anytime that something major is added to our plate the best way to retain sanity is to attempt to merge instead of add as much as possible.  As a new dad, can he push one of those aerodynamic strollers when he is out for a run?  Bring the baby to sporting events that he attends?  Watch the movie at home while tending to the child instead of in the theater?

If you add new responsibilities at work, can you find a way to combine or eliminate tasks instead of simply adding more to your plate?  Perhaps by making reports serve dual purposes instead of two reports; combining agenda items instead of two meetings; saving items to discuss with others until you have several?

Multitasking is not ideal, and is certainly not the solution for all time management overload.  But first thinking of ways to merge is a step in assessing what must stay and what can go -- and that often leads to a prioritization that keeps life sane.

-- beth triplett

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