Saturday, February 4, 2017

leadership dot #1709: reality

In the past year, there was a proliferation of coloring books for adults. Coloring seemed to be the latest new stress reduction technique, and books appeared everywhere. I, too, was caught up in the craze and acquired a book of mandalas and a spiffy set of colored pencils to color away my stress.
It quickly became evident that there were two problems with this: 1) I did not have much free time to wile away in coloring, and 2) when I did, it actually added to my frustration when trying to stay within the insanely small spaces that adult coloring book creators have concocted! 
Finally, a friend shared a coloring book that is stress-reducing and realistic. You can download your own copy here or view it here. This gem, from Creative Market, contrasts resolutions vs. reality and does so in a way that makes coloring entertaining. While targeted at graphic designers, I think we can all relate to the best of intentions becoming foiled when life intervenes.
What can you do in your world to align your resolutions with reality? It's great to have lofty goals, but sometimes achieving the less-lofty ones makes for a prettier picture all around.
Thanks, Tricia for sharing the Creative Market Blog

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