Monday, February 27, 2017

leadership dot #1732: Pomodoro

There are a lot of time management gimmicks out there, but the Pomodoro Technique has proved to be amazingly effective for me. This strategy, developed by Francesco Cirillo (and shared by Chris Winfield in his newsletter), has four steps to help you maximize the use of your time.
The piece that has been most helpful to me is the core of the idea: you select one specific task, set a timer for 25 minutes and work on (only) your task until the timer rings. That's it. The magic of the Pomodoro Technique is that it gets you started, and beginning is always the most difficult part. You may not finish your project within the allotted 25 minutes, so Cirillo recommends taking a short break and then starting another Pomodoro session to continue.
If you find yourself switching between email, phone calls, interruptions and busy work instead of going deep on the important tasks, give this method a try. You may find that short bursts of intense, focused activity is like having extra time in your day.
(You can receive a free copy of Chris Winfield's white paper: "How to Save 23.3 Hours Each Week" by clicking here.)

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