Sunday, September 13, 2015

#1199 no place like home

Football season is underway, and with it comes a frenzy of supplies for the fans.  Team apparel displays are everywhere and the grocery aisles are packed with football-themed snacks for all to enjoy.

Tailgating has always been a big draw for fans and retailers alike, but the vast majority of people watch the game on television instead of in person.  Target has capitalized on this trend by promoting supplies for "homegating" -- celebrating the sporting event from your own home.

Homegating is a great way to generate excitement (and sales) by making something that seems routine into a special event.  It acknowledges the way that most consumers actually view sports and implicitly gives them permission to expand the experience beyond the game itself.

Is there something like homegating that applies to your organization?  Can you encourage people to replicate an experience at home without having to attend the event?  Are there ways to make a routine function into something special?  

Homegating isn't the same as being there, but depending upon the weather, it may even be better.  Pass the remote please!

-- beth triplett


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