Saturday, September 26, 2015

#1212 vote

Our town recently had a school board election that initially ended in a tie.  Literally 1,589 votes each.  Eventually, corrected counts from one precinct and the absentee ballots brought the total to a margin of 65, but that was a day later.  They left Election Night in a dead heat.

At least they received votes.  Elsewhere in Iowa, a candidate who was running unopposed for a school board seat did not receive any votes, not even his own.  He farms and works another job and was "too busy" to vote that day!

Votes are like dots -- one doesn't usually seem to make any difference, but almost always they do.  Never have the illusion that you are only one person and your vote doesn't matter.  In two cases this month alone, you could have determined the winner.

Always cast your ballot, metaphorically or literally, and use the voice you have been given.

-- beth triplett

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