Thursday, June 8, 2017

leadership dot #1833: positive surprises

I have a friend who is at Disney World with his family right now. I wish I could have seen the look on his children’s faces when their destination was revealed. The kids were accurately told that they were headed to Chicago – leaving out the part that they were going there to fly from O’Hare to Orlando!

The element of positive surprise often expands the impact of the joy.

> A colleague who brings in coffee one random morning gets more goodwill than if they did a Starbucks run every day.

> A partner who comes home with a bouquet of flowers from the grocery store scores more points than the same blooms on birthdays-only.

> A supervisor who lets the staff depart an hour early on a glorious summer day enhances morale more than on the official HR holidays.

> A friend that drops by with a pan of lasagna when the baby is two months old is appreciated more than all the food shared right at the start.

Think about ways you can infuse something unexpected into someone’s life today. It need not be lofty, merely heartfelt, to add a positive boost to their outlook.

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