Friday, March 1, 2013

#273 thank you

I have written in the past about the proliferation of "holidays" -- days that commemorate every occasion (and pseudo-occasion) imaginable.  My sister who works in HR sent me another one to note:  today is Employee Appreciation Day.

I have been an employee for many years, but had never heard of this one.  Why is it that Boss's Day is widely celebrated and the employee side of recognition is not?

If you seek out ways to appreciate and recognize employees, several themes emerge:
> Noticing the small things that people do at work
> Saying thank you for a job well done
> Providing a climate where people know each other and can form a team
> Bringing food and treats
> Allowing people opportunities for input and professional development
> Providing challenges for continual learning
> Allowing time off or flexible scheduling

I have had many employees during the years and try to create an environment where many of these things happen.  If I would assess one where I could improve, it would be to explicitly say "thank you" more often than I do.  Chances are high that I noticed the good things my current and former employees have done, but I don't always comment on them.  Nor do I express my appreciation for those who have become like family and shared more than workloads with me.  

In which area could you improve?  Are there things you aren't doing that you could work on to provide meaningful appreciation today -- and the other 364 days of the year?  Your colleagues are employees too.  Could you "show the love" to some of them today and take the strategies above to heart in going forward?  We all wear our "employee" hat for more waking hours than about any other role.  Do your part to acknowledge the good work all employees do to make your work life the best it can be.

So to all my current (and former employees with whom I am still in contact) -- THANK YOU for all you did for me and our institution.  I know you often go above and beyond, and I do offer my gratitude for your contributions, today, and on all the days when I didn't say it.

-- beth triplett

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