Wednesday, March 20, 2013

#292 artists

Last night I attended a lecture by a "real" artist.  We met in the gallery where she explained the inspiration, meaning and technique of two very different bodies of work.  She is clearly talented in both thought process and artistic skill.

I will never possess a fraction of her technical talents, but I consider myself an artist nonetheless.  I am a creative person, more by nurture than nature, and I believe that everyone can stimulate their brain to think new thoughts and have different ways of looking at a situation.  In fact, I recommend that people consciously and regularly partake in actions that cultivate a more creative perspective.

Examples of everyday options that can stimulate creativity include:
> Wear a different combination of clothes/jewelry each day for a month
> For your next gift-giving occasion, give something that you have never given before
> Read a book from a new section of the bookstore or library
> Eat somewhere you've never eaten; eat something you've never tried
> Converse with someone at least 10 years younger/10 years older than yourself
> Listen to a different radio station every day for a week
> Go on a date and spend less than $5
> Eat lunch with someone you've never eaten with before
> Drive home a different way each day for a week
> Meet in a place you have never been before
> Read a newspaper from a different city
> At each meeting, ask people to share what they have done differently since the last meeting

As you can see, none of these actions are lofty or remarkable onto themselves.  But developing a habit of flexibility and openness to new ways of looking at things leads to more creative problem solving and greater innovation overall.  There is an artist within you. Try to take some steps to cultivate it.

-- beth triplett

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