Saturday, March 9, 2013

#281 yard by yard

As we think about creating change, often we wish for a clear path or significant movement. This thought may help you put things in perspective:

Seldom do we have the whole football field wide open.  We need to be content moving the ball down the field, a yard or so at a time.  We also need to become comfortable with the fact that we may not be the one making the touchdown; that our role may be to become a blocker or passes, but not the one who scores.

As a leader, one of your roles is to help people see the goal -- and understand their role in heading toward it.  Sure, there are the breakaway returns, where the lone player runs the ball back for a touchdown, but more likely the players are all in a tumble and the ball moves only a few feet.  The play can even result in a net loss instead of a gain.  Align the expectations with reality, and everyone will feel more comfortable about how the game is progressing.

-- beth triplett

Thanks to Al DeCiccio for the original idea

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