Tuesday, April 2, 2013

#305 paradox

Is being content and being ambitious an incompatible paradox?

I think about being comfortable with "what is" -- your job, your life situation, your personal mojo.  That in itself is elusive, yet wonderful.

But does it preclude you from being ambitious?  If you are content with what you have, do you cease striving for more?  Does satisfaction become a barrier to the disruption that ambition and change bring?

If people with potential have contentment, is it bad that they don't apply their skills to advance further in their career or service?   I know some people who are quite satisfied with where they are, even when I think that they could be doing so much more.  Yet I know others who are running the race, but don't feel like they have/done/are "enough".  

Is there an appropriate balance, or are the two goals mutually exclusive?

I wonder if the trick is in the timing -- it's ok to be content for awhile, but not to the point of becoming complacent.  It's ok to be ambitious -- but not to the extent that it overrides everything else.

Think about where you fall on the contentment/ambition scale.  Are you satisfied with where you put yourself or do you need to do something different to the balance of duality in your life?

-- beth triplett

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