Tuesday, April 16, 2013

#319 for your eyes only

Sometimes when I am plucking my eyebrows, I think of a comment a friend once made in puzzlement as to why I spend the time on a few stray hairs: "no one can even see them."

I think about all the work that I do that no one sees.  Who would know if I analyzed those numbers or just filed away the report?  Would anyone notice if I skimmed meeting materials instead of studied them?  I receive daily journals and trade publications -- would anyone know if I never read them?  Would it have a negative impact if I didn't rewrite that proposal or failed to proofread it one more time?

Everyone has work that they do that no one else sees.  And mostly it would not matter if you skipped a week of analysis or never read an issue of a publication.  If you failed to make a phone call or reach out to a client.  One wouldn't matter, but would two?  Or three?  Or four?  When does something begin to have a cumulative negative impact?  

It is hard to know, so try not to skip the one.  Even when you are the only one who sees it.

-- beth triplett

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