Saturday, April 27, 2013

#330 you're welcome

Have you ever had one of those things that you didn't notice at all -- until someone pointed it out to you -- and then it was everywhere.

Such a situation happened to me when a colleague commented on how the customer is normally the one to say "thank you" to service employees instead of the other way around. Shouldn't the clerks be saying "thank you" to the customer who just gave them business?  What is the customer thanking the employee for -- handing back the remaining portion of the customer's own money?  Processing a transaction that it is their business to do?  When you think about it, it does seem odd.

I am all for pleasantries and politeness.  But doesn't "have a nice day" seem more befitting of the occasion from the customer and "thank you" from the employee?  Somehow the common dialogue occurs in reverse.

Pay attention to this phenomenon.  Customers say "thank you" and clerks say something like "have a nice day."  It is a little thing, but can you adopt a stronger service mentality for your organization?  Train your employees who interact with clients to say a genuine "thank you" at the conclusion of their transaction.  I think that it can go a long way in setting yourself apart and making those who should be your focus feel appreciated.

-- beth triplett

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