Sunday, January 1, 2017

leadership dot #1675: success habits

Well, here it is, a new year and time to make new resolutions. No matter what you are hoping to achieve, making the most of your time will help you turn resolutions into habits. Inc. author Jeff Haden has compiled a list of 10 strategies that will help you develop routines to excel in 2017:
  1. Get positive by starting the day with a mantra you say out loud.
  2. Start your day by being proactive (working towards your goals) vs. reactive (checking email)
  3. Visualize your success by imagining in your mind how you want your day to unfold.
  4. Commit to reading one chapter of a book each day.
  5. Find a mentor to hold you accountable.
  6. Spend time writing every day.
  7. Make a small daily to-do list of the day's priorities (use a Post-It Note to keep the focus on just the most important things)
  8. Take regular breaks (Haden lists out a system for you to follow)
  9. Break your day into chunks with blocks of time designated for certain activities
  10. Theme your workdays/week by focusing on different tasks on different days 
All of these techniques may not work for you, but undoubtedly one will. Haden's article gives additional information and rationale for each of them, along with several bonus worksheets and habits. Start 2017 off on a positive note and adopt one new strategy to make this your best year yet.
Thanks Tim for sharing!

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