Thursday, June 14, 2012

#13 what are you famous for?

We recently interviewed a candidate that has a famous sibling.  Of course I know famous people have brothers and sisters, but it got me wondering what it would be like if one of my siblings had fame or fortune.  Then I began daydreaming about what if I was to be the famous one and they could be the one with a well-known sibling.  None of it is likely!

My thoughts drifted further to wonder what I was famous for within my family.  Maybe I wasn't a movie star, but I had to be a VIP at something.  My answer came from a Love Letter one of my sisters wrote to each of us for Christmas several years ago.  It has since become one of my most treasured items.  The list of things she loves about me includes that I am a master packer, that send mail often, that I am a great gift-wrapper and that I am her organizational idol. 

It doesn't  have to be lofty for you to be known for something.  You may not be on television or be a sports hero, but being good at a few things and being loved by your family makes you a rockstar anyway.

-- beth triplett

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