Saturday, June 23, 2012

#22 obsolescence

When I look at my “bucket list”, the last thing that is on it is something that has been there since college – writing a book.  And when I visualize this goal, what comes to mind is a bound bundle of parchment with ink and a cover – something very tactile and wonderful.

I read in the paper today that for the first time, revenue from the sale of e-books exceeded revenue from hardcover sales.  This is sad news for someone like me.  My aspiration does not include something that resembles a Word document more than papyrus.  I am not sure that if I ever published an e-book that it would “count” in my mind as fulfilling my list.

The article made me realize that the world could pass me by while I am dreaming about it.  By the time I am ready with a book, the notion of print books could be obsolete.  I wonder how many times this has happened to others?  Was someone developing a great new VCR player when the world switched to DVDs?  Who was on the cusp of designing a great new keypunch card when everyone switched to digital?  Are there plans for a much improved flashcube that never were implemented?

Perfection is over-rated.   Get a draft of your dreams out there while it still counts.

-- beth triplett

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