Wednesday, June 20, 2012

#19 thunder

My puppy was outside when a loud clap of thunder echoed from the sky.  She shot like a bullet across the yard and raced into the house faster than I have ever seen her run.  Of course, I recognized it as thunder and knew it was harmless so I ambled my way inside.

This disconnect in understanding occurs in organizations too.  Leaders who have the advantage of knowledge have the context to ascertain which loud noises signal trouble and which are part of the background.  Those without the information are often frightened or confused by something that doesn't truly warrant fear.  They take actions that are unnecessary and raise emotions without cause.

It is your job as a leader to "give the weather forecast" and teach what the changing clouds mean.  Help those around you understand what is going on out there so they can react appropriately to the signals.

-- beth triplett

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