Saturday, October 13, 2012

#134 scrubbing floors

I once did a reference call where the supervisor described many wonderful traits of the person.  It became one of the most helpful reference calls I ever made when she concluded with this assessment:

"If you are the kind of place where everyone scrubs the floors, he won't scrub with you.  He will tell you how to scrub; he will assemble the people to do the scrubbing; he will report how the scrubbing was done; he will be kind and not point out where someone missed a spot -- but he won't scrub with you."

I genuinely appreciated the candor, and mostly the insightful understanding of the climate and culture under which this person could succeed.  I work at a place where the expectation is that you "scrub the floors"; there is little hierarchy, no pretentiousness, and even the president is involved in hauling tables or directing the lines if that's what it takes.  I may have hired this person based upon the first part of our call, but her closing comments were what I really needed to hear.

When you are seeking out new staff, never underestimate the importance of fit with the culture as well as ability to perform the tasks of the position.  If you are going to want this person to "scrub floors", hold out for that trait. In the end, they will never be truly successful without it.

-- beth triplett

Thanks to A. Durante

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