Saturday, August 3, 2013

#428 local impact

Recently McDonalds has released a campaign in our area thanking Iowa for the role the state's farmers play in supplying the company with its products.  Corn and beef are big products for McDonalds, and apparently they purchase a great quantity from our farms.

I have never thought of McDonalds Corporation as an economic driver in our area.  We have a few of the restaurants, of course, but I always considered McDonalds as a seller instead of a buyer.  These billboards and radio ads have made me pause to reconsider that.

Other companies could take McDonald's lead to show what goods they are purchasing from the state or highlight the economic impact of their presence. Banks already place signs on construction sites indicating "this project financed by XYZ Bank."  Colleges could show that X% of the teachers/nurses/therapists in the city were educated by them.  Manufacturers could show that they make X for the world market.

All of our organizations have some impact on the greater community.  We are all buyers and sellers in the larger marketplace.  How can your organization make the connections explicit for others?  

-- beth triplett

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