Tuesday, August 20, 2013

#445 moving mountains

I went on a road trip Saturday in order to see the pin exhibit I wrote about yesterday, but along with that a different story was brought to life.  Madeline Albright's pins are on display at the National Czech & Slovak Museum and Library -- a new facility that was moved and renovated following a major flood.

In 2008, river waters crested over their banks and put 8 feet of water in the museum's first floor.  Fearing similar damage in the future if they rebuilt on the same site, the museum opted instead to physically move the undamaged outer structure and place it on an 11 feet higher foundation, 480 yards away from the original.  The cost to move 1500 tons: approximately $700,000*.  www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6Zdg82U3CQ

It reminded me of my vacation last summer when I was at the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse. It too moved, about a mile inland from its original location due to a diminishing coastline.  Who would think to move a lighthouse instead of rebuilding it, but as with the museum, for economic and historical reasons it made sense.

Think about these two structures the next time you face what seems like an insurmountable obstacle.  People are moving buildings.  Surely you can find a way to get around what is challenging you.

-- beth triplett

Sources:  NCSML statistics from Wikipedia; Hatteras from a sign at the site

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