Saturday, August 10, 2013

#435 uniform look

All during Iowa Private College Week (see #434), I would get up, put on the same official polo shirt and a pair of khakis.  It was the one thing about the week that was easy.

We all wore the same polo to make it easy to identify the employees who could help our guests.  Normally we expend a lot of time, money and energy developing a wardrobe and deciding what to wear in the morning.  Is it worth it?  

Before you automatically add choice or variety to your process, ask yourself if the complexity increases the value of what you are doing.  Does the theme of the annual event need to be different every year or can you re-use the decorations?  Does the process have to change every time you alter a little step?  Do you need to vary the timing of events or does a little regularity allow you to execute with less flaws?

Variety is the spice of life, but a little routine adds a consistency to the mix too.  If you're going to mix it up, be sure you're intentional about the purpose of doing so.

-- beth triplett

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