Monday, April 28, 2014

#696 enduring

There is an entire subset of products that are in stores today and have been featured on grocery store shelves since the early days at A&P.  Examples include:

>  Dream Whip -- a powder mix to make frosting that has been around since 1957

>  Fels Naptha -- a bar of soap that removes stains, and has been doing so since 1893

>  Jiffy mixes in little blue boxes since 1930, for corn muffins and brownies

>  Jiffy Pop > popcorn that has come pre-packaged in an aluminum pan since 1958

>  Manwich > sloppy joe sauce since 1969

>  TaB soda > providing diet cola since 1970

The list could go on and on. 

These staples persist on the shelves, despite no promotion or advertising, yet garner enough sales to preserve their spot in a crowded marketplace. What makes them endure when thousands of other products have failed?

I suspect that they remain because they offer consistent quality and fulfill a need that has not been replicated by any of the modern products. Jiffy Pop is still great over campfires.  Fels Naptha really does remove stains. TaB boasts its diet taste, not an imitation of regular soda.  

The lesson is that you don't have to be flashy or spend a fortune to endure.  Some things can flourish under the radar from the masses if they are the right product.  How can you help your organization focus on quality instead of trying to promote an average offering?

-- beth triplett

Thanks to Tracy for the idea. 

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