Wednesday, June 18, 2014

#747 stimulation

Last week I was one of the lucky 100 people able to attend the inaugural TEDx event held in our town.  For those of you who don't know, TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design) is a forum for spreading ideas.  TEDx is the local version of the national phenomenon that hosts thousands of TED Talks on the internet (

We spent five hours in a window-less black box theatre on a sunny Friday afternoon listening to nine people share their thoughts.  For some, this would have been punishment.  For those in attendance, it was a treat.  There was a palpable energy in the room as it was populated by people who wanted to be at this event.  

Each presenter shared their story for about 20 minutes, loosely based on the theme "connection".  We heard from a cemetery counselor who collects biographies of the deceased at the time of burial so that future genealogists or ancestors can know more about the person than birth/death dates.  Another speaker shared her experiences as a child with cancer and how that led her to create a foundation to help others with medical transportation expenses.  Someone else shared her story of how being connected to who you are -- being in your "own lane" vs. the "fear lane" -- will help you tap into the energy of life. We heard how sports have transformative powers to tackle social barriers and how practicing four practical commitments can lead to personal change.

The common experience had little other commonalities -- among the speakers or the participants.  Yet everyone felt that they were part of something important -- the kind of energy and momentum that comes from being in on the ground floor.  We felt connected -- not just to each other, but to the larger TED community with its millions of viewers and potential to stimulate thinking on a global scale.

What exists already that your organization can tie into?  How can you create connections to a community larger than your own -- tapping into a national or international movement that can give you resources and meaning?  So often we do our work in isolation and overlook the power that comes from thinking bigger; don't lose that opportunity to generate energy.

More on TED tomorrow...

-- beth triplett

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