Wednesday, July 11, 2012

#40 say goodbye

It's a lot easier to get approval/acceptance for change when you frame it as a "pilot".  When people think that something is just being tried-out or is temporary, they are more willing to agree to test it.  

Most of us have piloted something, even if we didn't formally label it that way.  We've said things like"Let's give this a go." or "We'll see how it works out."  Piloting it is how we experiment or test something.

The problem is that mostly we pilot things that we are going to add or start.  Try piloting stopping instead.  Get off of a committee and see if it matters -- can you get what you need just from reading the minutes?  (If not, you can always go back on the committee!)  Stop running X report and see if someone misses it.  Pilot a plan to eliminate a form or a process.  (Does everyone really use all the data you collect and enter?)  Test out a bi-weekly meeting/reporting structure instead of weekly and see if productivity suffers.  Keep only electronic copies and pilot a "green approach" to no copying/filing of routine work.

Challenge yourself and each staff member to pilot at least one ending strategy.   Find something that can be eliminated for "awhile" -- and give stopping a try! 

-- beth triplett

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