Friday, July 20, 2012

#49 call me

The most desirable phone numbers used to be the ones that "spelled" something.  For example, I'm sure Cook Realty was intentional about acquiring 557-COOK and the driving range was excited about 556-GOLF.  It served both of them well years ago. 

But today's cell phones don't recognize "COOK" or "GOLF".  The numbers aren't linked to the same letter combinations that are on the desktop buttons and so it's impossible for a cell caller to know that translates to dialing 2665 or 4653.  When they only use the words on their signs, they are missing an opportunity for a sale.

Many businesses are oblivious to the gap since it is either so obvious or so ingrained in their thinking.  It has always been 557-COOK and 556-GOLF; no one thinks to change it.  Or radio commercials for a firm pronounced "hon-camp" don't bother to spell out "honKamp" when giving a website.  They hear "honcamp" and THEY know that it is spelled "honkamp", but it's likely that the new clients they are trying to attract don't know that.

It is hard to look at your own organization with new eyes, but it may be worthwhile to do a "new-media" audit of how your messaging translates to the way today's clients reach you -- or fail at doing so!

-- beth triplett

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