Tuesday, May 21, 2013

#354 opportunities

Our students have been out of school for a week now, and I imagine that many of the graduates used the time to catch their breath and regroup after the stress of finals and leaving.  Good for them, but now it's time to get down to the business of finding a job.

Whether I am speaking to new graduates or experienced staff, my job-seeking advice is the same: find a place that gives you opportunities.  It doesn't so much matter if you start at an entry level position; if you are good, you will be promoted.  If you start in a more senior role, if you are good, you will be promoted.  Look for where you will be given new challenges, projects.  That's what you need your employer to contribute; you can add the rest.

Think about it in your current position.  Are you doing the same thing you were doing when you were first hired?  Are you doing the same thing as others in your same position?  Hopefully the answer is no.  You want an organization and boss that taps you on the shoulder and offers new responsibilities.  If that isn't happening, it's time to assess why not.

-- beth triplett

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