Saturday, May 25, 2013

#358 power flower

I love the lilacs that are in full bloom these days.  I don't have a bush myself, but I cajole a friend who does enough that he keeps me in good supply during the short blossom season.

I think lilacs are a metaphor for power.  There really are enough lilacs/enough power to go around.  Just because you give some away, doesn't mean that you still don't have plenty left.  You can be very, very generous with your lilacs and still have a robust bush.  What you do give away comes back, often more fully than what you cut.  

Lilacs are abundant and free.  They can be enjoyed by the source of the flower and those who receive the blossoms as a gift.  The scent of the flower permeates beyond the immediate petals -- everyone in their presence is impacted.

It is sad to see people who operate with a scarcity mentality.  Think of your power like a lilac bush.  There is enough to share.

-- beth triplett

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