Friday, September 13, 2013

#469 expectations

A colleague and I recently presented workshops to supervisors of our student employees. Many of the lessons shared there also relate to supervisors of professional staff, and much of our message was imploring them to treat their students like professional staff and to teach them how to act in the “real world.”

Julie utilized the theme of "you've got the power" to help supervisors realize that they have more authority than they sometimes exercise.  They have the power to prohibit use of cell phones or social media use during working hours; to delay paychecks of those who fail to complete time cards by the deadline; to correct unprofessional behavior and even to fire students who fail to meet performance standards.

To some, enforcing such rules and expectations seemed strict.  Often bosses of student workers are "too nice" and lead the employee to believe that the workforce is like that after college when we all know that it isn't!  

I was recently given a quote that read:

"What Great Leaders Do"
> They care.
> They believe.
> They are fair.
> They expect excellence.

Never did it say that they made things easy or that they let you get away with less than satisfactory work.  Quite the contrary, they set the bar high and are confident that you will achieve at that level.

If you supervise a student, a junior employee or even senior staff, use your power to create a work culture that exhibits the four traits outlined above.  It will take all of you a lot further than letting things slide for the sake of being "nice."

-- beth triplett

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