Wednesday, December 11, 2013

#558 significant

There are words that make their way into our vocabulary every day.  I wish someone would come up with new language that describes adult dating.  The current lexicon is a remnant of the "old days" when boys and girls dated in high school, then became boyfriend/girlfriend, then fiancé, then spouse.

But what about two way-past-high-school people who are seeing each other?  Boyfriend/girlfriend has a twinge of high schoolishness.  "Friend" doesn't distinguish between someone you are dating and your buddy.  "Lady friend" seems more like an escort.  "Significant other" never appealed to me either -- even if I'm significant, do I want to be the "other"?  It sounds like something out of place.  "The guy I'm seeing" sounds like he just came out of hiding and now you see him.  

We have words that describe trivial details and labels for so much in pop culture, yet there isn't a good word for something that is a very common occurrence.  

The holidays are coming and introductions to family are awkward enough.  As a hostess, I struggle with how to ask my guests if they are bringing their _______.  We need a word or two to describe two adults in a relationship.  As I have said before, what you call something  is significant (not other!).

-- beth triplett

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