Friday, December 27, 2013

#574 hostas

"Gift bags are the hostas of gift wrapping."

My sister said that when we were at the wrapping party (described in blog #569).  What she meant by her saying was that when you don't really want to garden, you plant hostas.  When you don't really want to wrap, you use gift bags.

But I took it to mean that gift bags, like hostas, never seem to go away.  I split my plants and try to reduce their number, but somehow I always have huge plants in the garden anyway.  I occasionally use gift bags, but invariably I am given more gifts in bags and my inventory seems to grow instead of diminish.

Is there something in your organization that seems to linger, despite your best attempts to rid yourself of it?  A tradition that won't die?  A problem client that never leaves you?  An unresolved sticky situation that keeps rearing its ugly head?

There are things in every organization that are like hostas -- nearly impossible to kill.  Treat your hosta situation the same way you treat those plants -- with minimal energy and attention.  They will live on without any effort from you.

-- beth triplett

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