Friday, January 17, 2014

#595 tribute

It seems to me that the flags are flown at half-mast much more frequently than in previous years.  It used to be that you knew why the flag was lowered (presidential death, 9/11, etc.), but more often than not I see a half-staff flag and what what is being commemorated.  

Flags in Iowa have been at half-mast not only for the national tributes in memory of Pearl Harbor, Nelson Mandela and the 50th anniversary of President Kennedy's death, but for Iowans who were killed in Afghanistan, the passing of a State Senator and the death of a fire-fighter in the line of duty.   In addition to the Federal mandates, Iowa lowered its flag an additional eight times last year, so approximately once a month.  Does this frequency lower the significance of it?

I also wondered how the flag-flyers know to lower the flag.  It turns out that those notifications, like everything else, can be found through an app or through a Facebook and Twitter site.  (Of course!)  But if you don't subscribe, it seems like there should be another way for the casual observer to know the reason for the tribute.

Is there a ritual in your organization that is known to you, but could benefit from wider understanding?  If it is worthy of paying tribute, could you do more to share the reasons behind it? 

The next time you see a flag lowered, take a moment to pause in remembrance.  Even if you don't know why it is at half-staff, you can be assured that someone has made a huge sacrifice or contribution for it to be that way.

-- beth triplett



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