Thursday, February 27, 2014

#636 balls and bulls

One of our sociology professors shared information about a study that sung the praises of female athletes and those in FHA or 4-H type organizations.  What do these two groups of students have in common?  

The research suggests that people involved in these pursuits have high levels of internal motivation and need very little external praise.  They put in tremendous amounts of work in pursuit of their goals, yet rarely have an audience to see the results of their efforts.  Few people attend women's sporting events or agricultural judging, so those involved do most of the work for their own satisfaction and pleasure. 

Our professor suggested that if we had candidates with women's sports or 4-H as a background, they should be given serious consideration for employment, especially in jobs  that involve a lot of independent time and self-motivation (like admissions counselor).

Since hiring the right people is so important to an organization, maybe this variable can help you find your next blue ribbon employee.

-- beth triplett

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