Friday, September 14, 2012

#105 dive lunches

Once each month, several of us from work eat lunch at a local establishment that is off the beaten path.  We call these "dives" but others may call them Ma and Pa diners, greasy spoons, bars or other similar terms of endearment.  It started as a way for me to keep in touch with a colleague that transferred to another division at work, but it has since grown into a rotating group of a dozen or more people who have participated in one of our field trips.  

What makes our "Dive Lunch" crew special is the mix of participants.  Our regulars include the president, president emeritus, a retired faculty member, a couple of the vice presidents, directors, assistant directors, faculty and people from four of our five divisions.  We have even been joined by the chair of the board of trustees when we went to a dive she recommended!  It is our own mini-version of a cash mob (as most of these places literally only take cash).  

The wonder of Dive Lunches goes well beyond the food -- even though we have found that to be surprisingly good.  These meals instill a camaraderie and build relationships that would never be fused inside a meeting room or office. There is a sense of experimentation, creativity and risk taking as we try places none of us have ever visited before.  There is a bonding and shared experience that carries over into working partnerships.   

The next time you're ready to head to the same old place with the same people, think about inviting someone new to go on an adventure with you.  We've found that those who break onion rings together do projects well together!  

-- beth triplett

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