Monday, September 3, 2012

#94 wait for it

The different between man and beast at my house revolves around delayed gratification.  My dogs don't know how to save; they live in a world of "NOW".

> They wake up at 3am after a nice "nap" and don't know how to save their energy until morning.
> They have the day's treats devoured before I am out of the driveway because they don't know how to save them for more than a nanosecond after they get them.
> They barrel me over with affection as soon as I walk in because they can't save their love until I am fully inside the kitchen.

Obviously there is a distinction in our cognitive functioning, but often it comes down to how long I am able to wait for things.  I wonder if we would be better off in our working environment if we did a little more waiting.  Taking time to think through things and getting input from others before jumping in with a decision.  Saving our resources until we have enough of them to truly do the project as we want it done.  Holding back on our emotional response until some time has passed.

The world is moving fast and it often beckons for the effusive enthusiasm of my goldens.  Many times this gusto is embraced in organizations and speed produces results.  But often the best moment is when all is quiet and the dogs are curled up at your feet.  Some things are worth the wait.

-- beth triplett

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