Thursday, August 30, 2012

#90 Hannah

One year ago today, I lost my beloved 14-year old golden retriever, Hannah.  The old girl had challenges walking for about a decade; she finally lost the good fight and was unable to stand.  I loved her deeply.

Four days later, I adopted a new golden retriever puppy, Abigail.  Many were shocked at this rapid turn of events.  When I returned to work after Labor Day and shared the news, the most common thing I heard was :"You did WHAT?!".  I received sympathy messages from family and friends far away at the same time I was receiving new puppy toys from friends nearby.

Despite some of the disapproving comments and general amazement, I know that what I did was exactly right for me.  I have had a golden retriever in my house for all but about a week in the last 25 years.  I needed a new dog to fill the hole in my heart left by Hannah.  

So many of the decisions that we make in life are unclear.  There are often pros and cons, timing issues, risks and challenges.  When you are fortunate enough to KNOW that doing something is right for you, I'm all for going ahead and doing it.  What others think about your choice doesn't matter if it doesn't hurt them and it makes your heart happy.

-- beth triplett

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